In the View system we could choose XML preview for different devices, but I could not find a way to choose preview device for Jetpack Compose. How do we set preview for different devices while using Jetpack Compose?
You can do it like this
@Preview(device = Devices.PIXEL_2_XL)
fun DefaultPreview() {
MyApplicationFooTheme {
The list of available devices is here
object Devices {
const val DEFAULT = ""
const val NEXUS_7 = "id:Nexus 7"
const val NEXUS_7_2013 = "id:Nexus 7 2013"
const val NEXUS_5 = "id:Nexus 5"
const val NEXUS_6 = "id:Nexus 6"
const val NEXUS_9 = "id:Nexus 9"
const val NEXUS_10 = "name:Nexus 10"
const val NEXUS_5X = "id:Nexus 5X"
const val NEXUS_6P = "id:Nexus 6P"
const val PIXEL_C = "id:pixel_c"
const val PIXEL = "id:pixel"
const val PIXEL_XL = "id:pixel_xl"
const val PIXEL_2 = "id:pixel_2"
const val PIXEL_2_XL = "id:pixel_2_xl"
const val PIXEL_3 = "id:pixel_3"
const val PIXEL_3_XL = "id:pixel_3_xl"
const val PIXEL_3A = "id:pixel_3a"
const val PIXEL_3A_XL = "id:pixel_3a_xl"
const val PIXEL_4 = "id:pixel_4"
const val PIXEL_4_XL = "id:pixel_4_xl"
const val AUTOMOTIVE_1024p = "id:automotive_1024p_landscape"