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Possibility to display current in odoo view

I want to get the current partner's id in my stock.picking view. I foud something like this


but it's wrong.Is it even possible to have the current partner's id?


  • The domain is used to apply filters when displaying existing records for selection.

    To hide a field based on a record values you need to use attrs attribute and use the invisible value.

    It is a mapping of attributes to domains, domains are evaluated in the context of the current row’s record, if True the corresponding attribute is set on the cell.


    attrs="{'invisible': [('interval_type', '=', 'days')]}"

    You can define a computed field to show the partner id field. Try the following code:

        def get_partner_id(self):
            for record in self:
                if record.partner_id:
                    record.raw_partner_id =
        raw_partner_id = fields.Integer(compute='get_partner_id')

    To show the stock.picking ID, you just need to add <field name="id"/> in the view definition.