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Scaling part of a PlantUML diagram

Scaling is controlled by the scale keyword. I'm curious if it's possible to scale part of a PlantUML diagram somehow or at the very least: scale the font size for part of a diagram.

It doesn't seem like scale may be scoped to part of a diagram (and I have not found any examples that suggest that is possible). Conceivably it might be used in the following manner, but this example scales the entire image:


package "Some Group" {
  scale 0.5
  HTTP - [First Component]
  [Another Component]

node "Other Groups" {
  FTP - [Second Component]
  [First Component] --> FTP



  • I do not think currently there is a way to achieve it. From the source code of the PlantUML scale command:

    protected CommandExecutionResult executeArg(AbstractPSystem diagram, LineLocation location, RegexResult arg) {
        double scale = Double.parseDouble(arg.get("SCALE", 0));
        if (scale == 0) {
            return CommandExecutionResult.error("Scale cannot be zero");
        if (arg.get("DIV", 0) != null) {
            final double div = Double.parseDouble(arg.get("DIV", 0));
            if (div == 0) {
                return CommandExecutionResult.error("Scale cannot be zero");
            scale /= div;
        diagram.setScale(new ScaleSimple(scale));
        return CommandExecutionResult.ok();

    The location of scale is not used, and PlantUML just sets the scale of diagram by diagram.setScale(new ScaleSimple(scale)).

    You can verify this kind of action by:

    package "Some Group" {
      scale 0.5
      HTTP - [First Component]
      [Another Component]
    node "Other Groups" {
      scale 5
      FTP - [Second Component]
      [First Component] --> FTP

    The scale 0.5 is overridden by the scale 5 command.