How to plot all data files in the directory with gnuplot? I mean that from each data file a figure will be created. Data files have different names. I tried:
j=0;do for [i in system("ls")] { j=j+1; set term png; set output ''.i.'.png' ; p i u 1:2 w lines lc rgb "navy" t ''.i }
which lead to the error: x range is invalid
plot for [fn in system("ls")] fn with lines title ''.i
which lead to the error: internal error : STRING operator applied to undefined or non-STRING variable
This plot all data in one figure
a=system('a=`tempfile`;cat *.dat > $a;echo "$a"')
plot a u 1:2
I expected this to be a frequently asked question with well documented answers, however, I can't find a suitable example right away...
you can do it in a "platform-independent" way using gnuplot's variable GPVAL_SYSNAME
, which holds the name of the operating system.
Furthermore, the user variables DIR
for the directory and EXT
for file extension are used. If the output files should be in a different directory, e.g. DIR_IN
could be defined instead of DIR
### plot all datafiles in a directory
reset session
set term pngcairo
DIR = 'Test/' # directory; use '' for current directory
EXT = '.dat' # file extension
FILES = GPVAL_SYSNAME[1:7] eq 'Windows' ? system(sprintf('dir /B %s*%s',DIR,EXT)) : \
system(sprintf('ls %s*%s',DIR,EXT)) # Linux/MacOS
myInput(s) = sprintf('%s%s',DIR,s)
myOutput(s) = sprintf('%s%s.png',DIR,s[1:strlen(s)-strlen(EXT)]) # replace file extension with .png
do for [FILE in FILES] {
set output myOutput(FILE)
plot myInput(FILE) u 1:2 w lines lc "red" title FILE
set output
### end of script