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Can not do math with structures in ColdFusion

I am looping over a list and want to create a struct of struct if a struct key doesn't exist yet, but if it does exist, I want to only update one of the keys with a new value by adding something to the existing value of that key. It will not do that and I don't know why.

Here's the code:

<cfloop list="#recipeItemList#" index="ril">
    <cfset thisrecipe = entityLoadByPK("recipes", #ril#)>

    <cfloop array="#thisrecipe.getrecipeitem()#" index="recipeItems">

        <cfif recipeItems.hasrawMaterial_id()>
            <cfset theitem = entityLoadByPK("rawMaterials", recipeItems.getrawMaterial_id().getid())>

            <cfinvoke method="getPrepByDate" component="/FEcomponents.production" returnvariable="makeAmount">
                <cfinvokeargument name="recipe_id" value="#ril#">
                <cfinvokeargument name="delivery_date" value="#delivery_date#">

            <cfset thisRecipeYield = #thisRecipe.getYield()#>

            <cfif thisRecipeYield neq 0>
                <cfset recipeRatio = makeAmount / thisRecipeYield>

            <cfset thisQuantity = recipeRatio * #recipeItems.getitemQuantity()#>

            <cfif structKeyExists(outerstruct, '#theitem.getid()#')>

                <!--- we must add this quantity to the existing key, not create a new one --->
                <cfset addthis = #outerstruct[theitem.getid()].totalToGet# + #thisQuantity#>

                <cfset structInsert(outerstruct[theitem.getid()],'totalToGet', #addthis#,true)>

                <!--- this is just to for testing to see if the value has changed, and it does not the 'addthis' value is always the latest value in the loop--->
                #outerstruct[theitem.getid()].totalToGet# + #thisquantity# = #addthis# <BR>
                <!--- create a new struct --->
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()] = structnew()>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].rawMaterialid = #theitem.getid()#>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].rawMaterialName = #theItem.getName()#>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].totalToGet = #thisQuantity#>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].uom = #theItem.getUOM().getname()#>

What am I doing wrong.

Thanks for your help


  • I think this will do what you want, I removed a few of the extra pound signs and changed the way you are updating the struct key. I'm sorry I am unable to run the code but I believe this should work.

    <cfloop list="#recipeItemList#" index="ril">
    <cfset thisrecipe = entityLoadByPK("recipes", #ril#)>
    <cfloop array="#thisrecipe.getrecipeitem()#" index="recipeItems">
        <cfif recipeItems.hasrawMaterial_id()>
            <cfset theitem = entityLoadByPK("rawMaterials", recipeItems.getrawMaterial_id().getid())>
            <cfinvoke method="getPrepByDate" component="/FEcomponents.production" returnvariable="makeAmount">
                <cfinvokeargument name="recipe_id" value="#ril#">
                <cfinvokeargument name="delivery_date" value="#delivery_date#">
            <cfset thisRecipeYield = thisRecipe.getYield()>
            <cfset thisQuantity = recipeItems.getitemQuantity()>
            <cfif thisRecipeYield neq 0>
                <cfset recipeRatio = makeAmount / thisRecipeYield>
                <cfset thisQuantity *= recipeRatio>
            <cfif structKeyExists(outerstruct, theitem.getid())>
                <!--- we must add this quantity to the existing key, not create a new one --->
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].totalToGet += thisQuantity>
                <!--- create a new struct --->
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()] = structnew()>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].rawMaterialid = theitem.getid()>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].rawMaterialName = theItem.getName()>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].totalToGet = thisQuantity>
                <cfset outerstruct[theitem.getid()].uom = theItem.getUOM().getname()>