az monitor diagnostic-settings create --resource $resourceId -n $name --event-hub $eventHub --logs '[ { "category": "WorkflowRuntime", "enabled": true, "retentionPolicy": { "enabled": false, "days": 0 } } ]' --metrics '[ { "category": "WorkflowRuntime", "enabled": true, "retentionPolicy": { "enabled": false, "days": 0 } } ]
Creates a Diagnostic setting for the specified resource as identified by the resourceId
(BadRequest) Metric category 'WorkflowRuntime' is not supported, supported categories are: 'Capacity;Transaction'.
According to the error, the resource does not have the log category. In fact, the different resource type has different log categories. For more details, please refer to here.
If you want to get available categories for one resource, you can use the following command
az monitor diagnostic-settings categories list --resource <resource id>