Is it possible to not have roads displayed in an OpenStreetMap
? For instance, using this code (see How to get map to show only desired portion):
mp <- openmap(c(33,-95), c(43,-73),zoom=8,'stamen-watercolor')
states_map <- map_data("state") %>% filter(lat > 33 & lat < 43 & long > -95 & long < -73)
states_map_merc <-$lat,states_map$long))
states_map_merc$group <- states_map$group
counties_map <- map_data("county") %>% filter(lat > 33 & lat < 43 & long > -95 & long < -73)
counties_map_merc <-$lat,counties_map$long))
counties_map_merc$group <- counties_map$group
OpenStreetMap::autoplot.OpenStreetMap(mp,expand=FALSE) +
geom_polygon(data=states_map_merc, aes(x=x,y=y,group=group), fill="black",colour="white",alpha=0, size=.7) +
geom_polygon(data=counties_map_merc, aes(x=x,y=y,group=group), fill="black",colour="white",alpha=0, size=.2) it possible to get rid of the roads on the map while not modifying the zoom level?
No, this doesn't seem to be possible, as it is a feature of the map type you chose (stamen-watercolor
If you don't want the roads displayed, you will need to choose another map type, for example:
mp <- openmap(c(33,-95), c(43,-73), zoom=8, type = 'bing')
Here are some examples of different map types that may be helpful for you.