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I have encountered #Name? error in access form

In Access Database I have main Form named "frmMain" and child form "frmPaymentsToAllAccountsTotal". The Child form is continuous Form I create a textbox on Main form and named "mrdPayments". In the control source of this text box I enter this expression =[Forms]![frmPaymentsToAllAccountsTotal]![AnasT], where "AnasT" is textbox in footer of sub form. Whenever I go to form view. I got #name? error. Please note that there is no space before and after the field name, form name. I notice when I open child form separately then mrdPayments showing value as expected but as I close the sub form even sub form is already placed on Main form, then mrdPayments value changes to #name? error.

I am using MS Access 2019, 64 bit version on Windows 10



  • I changed control of mrdPayments from =[Forms]![frmPaymentsToAllAccountsTotal]![AnasT] to =[frmPaymentsToAllAccountsTotal].[Form]![AnasT] on Main Form and my problem solved.