I am having issue to get this to work, with aggregate & $lookup. So, your prompt help is appreciated.
Let's say, I have these 2 collections, in the same mongoDB:
// collection1 (2 records, in this example):
name: 'name1',
city: 'city1'
name: 'name2’,
city: 'city2’
// collection2 (3 records, in this example):
name: 'name1',
education: ‘college’,
occupation: ’engineer’,
address: 'address1'
name: 'name2’,
education: ‘highschool’,
occupation: ’manager’,
address: 'address2'
name: 'name3’,
education: ‘highschool’,
occupation: ’manager’,
address: 'address3'
I want a final collection, final_collection, returned like this (name field is used as an index):
name: 'name1',
city: 'city1'
education: ‘college’,
occupation: ’engineer’
name: 'name2’,
city: 'city2’
education: ‘highschool’,
occupation: ’manager’
Essentially, adding only the 'education' and 'occupation' fields into collection1, for matched records (name1 and name2).
Can you please help? Much thanks in advance!
You could you $lookup
to join both collections
to join two collections$addFields
to add new field$arrayElementAt
to get first element after the join. $ifNull
to prevent NPE if there is no element in arrayHere is the code
"$lookup": {
"from": "collection1",
"localField": "name",
"foreignField": "name",
"as": "join"
$addFields: {
join: {
$ifNull: [
{ "$arrayElemAt": [ "$join", 0 ] },
"$addFields": {
"city": "$join.city",
join: "$$REMOVE",
address: "$$REMOVE"
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