I have a String List in my shared preferences that's meant to store account numbers which can then be used to make a call from the API:
List<String> accountList = [];
Future _getListData() async {
SharedPreferences myPrefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
for(var i = 0; i < myPrefs.getStringList('accounts').length; i++){
//prints values from shared preferences
Future<List<dynamic>> fetchData() async {
//prints an empty list
try {
if (accountList == null) {
var result = await http.get(apiUrl);
List<dynamic> accountInfo = (json.decode(result.body));
return accountInfo;
} else {
List<dynamic> accountInfo = [];
for(var i = 0; i < accountList.length; i++){
var result =
await http.get(apiUrl + "/api/Data/GetCustomer?accntnum=" + accountList[i]);
return accountInfo;
} catch (e) {
When calling the Future function "fetchData()" from my FutureBuilder in the widget it returns an empty list. However within the scope of the "_getListData()" function it prints the list witht he appropriate values. How can I make it such that "fetchData()" gets the intended list?
Just add an await before _getListData()
Future<List<dynamic>> fetchData() async {
await _getListData();
//prints an empty list