Search code examples

Ansible regex_search fails when I try to use a group with error 'NoneType' object has not attribute 'group'

I have a number of user public keys, obtained via rest call made with the URI module, and I want to pull out the uid contained within that key. Here is the relevant line of my role

- name: find users UID within key
    msg: uid is "{{ item.content | regex_search( 'unixid=(\d+)', '\\1') }}"

this fails with the error:

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

If I use -vvv on ansible I find that it's failing on this line

file "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-package/ansible/plugins/filter/", line 156, in regex_search
  match = int(re.match(r'\\(\d+)', arg).group(1))

By comparison if I do the same regex without the group search the command works fine, other then returning more then the id I want.

I was able to get the desired functionality by chaining two regex_search commands together, but it's ugly. I'd rather know why groups aren't working for regex_search.


  • regex_search is meant to return you the matches of the regex, not the groups, or at least in the current version of Ansible (although there are signs that it should work on the latest version?).

    You can work around this using regex_findall instead, but you'll have to add a first filter to deal with the list created:

    Given the task:

    - debug: 
        msg: >-
          uid is {{ 
            item.content | regex_findall('unixid=(\d+)', '\\1') | first 
          content: 000 foo unixid=123 bar 987

    This yields the recap:

    ok: [localhost] => 
      msg: uid is "123"