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Sequential Increase in Column value based on a condition R

I have an R data frame that has an ID column with multiple records for an ID. When the flag is set to 1 for an ID, I want to create a column new timeline that starts from 1 and increases sequentially in increments of 6 (1,6,12...). How can I achieve this in R using dplyr ?

Below is a sample data frame

ID Timepoint Flag
A 0 0
A 6 0
A 12 0
A 18 1
A 24 0
A 30 0
A 36 0

Expected Dataframe

ID Timepoint Flag New_Timepoint
A 0 0
A 6 0
A 12 0
A 18 1 1
A 24 0 6
A 30 0 12
A 36 0 18


  • Another dplyr option

    df %>%
      group_by(ID) %>%
      mutate(New_Timepoint = pmax(1, Timepoint - c(NA, Timepoint[Flag == 1])[cumsum(Flag) + 1])) %>%


      ID    Timepoint  Flag New_Timepoint
      <chr>     <int> <int>         <dbl>
    1 A             0     0            NA
    2 A             6     0            NA
    3 A            12     0            NA
    4 A            18     1             1
    5 A            24     0             6
    6 A            30     0            12
    7 A            36     0            18