I have a python file that reads from a configuration file and initializes certain variables, followed by a number of test cases, defined by pytest markers.
I run different set of test cases parallelly by calling these markers, like this - pytest -m "markername" -n 3
The problem now is, I don't have a single configuration file anymore. There are multiple configuration files and I need a way to get from command line during execution, which configuration file to use for the test cases.
What I tried?
I wrapped the reading of config file into a function with a conf argument.
I added a conftest.py
file, added a command-line option conf
using pytest addoption.
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--conf", action="append", default=[],
help="Name of the configuration file to pass to test functions")
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if 'conf' in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("conf", metafunc.config.option.conf)
and then tried this pytest -q --conf="configABC" -m "markername"
, in the hope that I can read that configuration file to initialize certain parameters and pass it on to the test cases containing the given marker. But nothing ever happens, and I wonder... I wonder how... I wonder why..
If I run pytest -q --conf="configABC"
, the config file gets read, but all the test cases are running.
However, I only need to run specific test cases that use variables initialized through the config file I get from command line. And I want to use markers because I'm also using parameterization and running them in parallel. How will I get which configuration file to use, from the command line? Am I messing this up?
Edit 1:
#contents of testcases.py
import json
import pytest
def getconfig(conf):
config = open(str(conf)+'_Configuration.json', 'r')
data = config.read()
data_obj = json.loads(data)
globals()['ID'] = data_obj['Id']
globals()['Codes'] = data_obj['Codes'] # list [Code_1, Code_2, Code_3]
globals()['Uname'] = data_obj['IM_User']
globals()['Pwd'] = data_obj['IM_Password']
#return ID, Codes, User, Pwd
def test_parms():
#Returns a list of tuples [(ID, Code_1, Uname, Pwd), (ID, Code_2, Uname, Pwd), (ID, Code_3, Uname, Pwd)]
return l
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ID, Code, Uname, Pwd", test_parms())
def testA(ID, Code, Uname, Pwd):
do something
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ID, Code, Uname, Pwd", test_parms())
def testB(ID, Code, Uname, Pwd):
do something else
You seem to be on the right track, but miss some connections and details.
First, your option looks a bit strange - as far as I understand, you just need a string instead of a list:
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--conf", action="store",
help="Name of the configuration file"
" to pass to test functions")
In your test code, you read the config file, and based on your code, it contains a json dictionary of parameter lists, e.g. something like:
"Id": [1, 2, 3],
"Codes": ["a", "b", "c"],
"IM_User": ["User1", "User2", "User3"],
"IM_Password": ["Pwd1", "Pwd2", "Pwd3"]
What you need for parametrization is a list of parameter tuples, and you also want to read the list only once. Here is an example implementation that reads the list on first access and stores it in a dictionary (provided your config file looks like shown above):
import json
configs = {}
def getconfig(conf):
if conf not in configs:
# read the configuration if not read yet
with open(conf + '_Configuration.json') as f:
data_obj = json.load(f)
ids = data_obj['Id']
codes = data_obj['Codes']
users = data_obj['IM_User']
passwords = data_obj['IM_Password']
# assume that all lists have the same length
config = list(zip(ids, codes, users, passwords))
configs[conf] = config
return configs[conf]
Now you can use these parameters to parametrize your tests:
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
conf = metafunc.config.getoption("--conf")
# only parametrize tests with the correct parameters
if conf and metafunc.fixturenames == ["uid", "code", "name", "pwd"]:
metafunc.parametrize("uid, code, name, pwd", getconfig(conf))
def test_a(uid, code, name, pwd):
print(uid, code, name, pwd)
def test_b(uid, code, name, pwd):
print(uid, code, name, pwd)
def test_c():
In this example, both test_a
and test_b
will be parametrized, but not test_c
If you now run the test (with the json file name "ConfigA_Configuration.json"), you get something like:
$ python -m pytest -v --conf=ConfigA -m testB testcases.py
============================================ 6 passed, 2 warnings in 0.11s ============================================
(Py37_new) c:\dev\so\questions\so\params_from_config>python -m pytest -v --conf=ConfigA -m testB test_params_from_config.py
collected 7 items / 4 deselected / 3 selected
test_params_from_config.py::test_b[1-a-User1-Pwd1] PASSED
test_params_from_config.py::test_b[2-b-User2-Pwd2] PASSED
test_params_from_config.py::test_b[3-c-User3-Pwd3] PASSED