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Compare 2 tables data field by field and extract only unmatched rows Oracle

I have below 2 tables, where I need to extract only unmatched rows from table A. If any column in table A having null values then we don't need to compare the same with table B column. How can I achieve A-B result?.

TableA minus TableB gives nearer result, but I need to check null constraint while comparing.

Also as the data's are millions, I need to perform some bulk operation. please help me with best way to do the same.

Table format and data


  • select as a_id, as b_id
    ,a.col1 as a_col1,b.col1 as b_col1
    ,a.col2 as a_col2,b.col2 as b_col2
    ,a.col3 as a_col3,b.col3 as b_col3
    ,a.col4 as a_col4,b.col4 as b_col4
    ,a.col5 as a_col5,b.col5 as b_col5
    from a
         full outer join b
              on (
    or decode(a.col2,b.col2,0,1)=1
    or decode(a.col3,b.col3,0,1)=1
    or decode(a.col4,b.col4,0,1)=1
    or decode(a.col5,b.col5,0,1)=1

    Full example with test data:

     a(id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) as (
        select 1,'Testcase42' ,'Testcase43'   ,date'1987-07-03' ,'test account'  ,919599636744 from dual union all
        select 2,'Thakur_1'   ,''             ,date'1990-08-05' ,''              ,919722100947 from dual union all
        select 3,'Thakur_3'   ,'Thakur_4'     ,date'1995-12-05' ,'test account'  ,919722100948 from dual 
    ,b(id,col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) as (
        select 1,'Testcase42' ,'Testcase43'   ,date'1987-07-03' ,'test account'  ,919599636744 from dual union all
        select 2,'Thakur_1'   ,'Thakur_2'             ,date'1990-08-05' ,'test account'              ,919722100947 from dual union all
        select 3,'Thakur_3'   ,'Thakur_4'     ,null             ,'test account'  ,919722100948 from dual 
    select as a_id, as b_id
    ,a.col1 as a_col1,b.col1 as b_col1
    ,a.col2 as a_col2,b.col2 as b_col2
    ,a.col3 as a_col3,b.col3 as b_col3
    ,a.col4 as a_col4,b.col4 as b_col4
    ,a.col5 as a_col5,b.col5 as b_col5
    from a
         inner join b
              on (
    or decode(a.col2,null,0,decode(a.col2,b.col2,0,1))=1
    or decode(a.col3,null,0,decode(a.col3,b.col3,0,1))=1
    or decode(a.col4,null,0,decode(a.col4,b.col4,0,1))=1
    or decode(a.col5,null,0,decode(a.col5,b.col5,0,1))=1;
          A_ID       B_ID A_COL1     B_COL1     A_COL2     B_COL2     A_COL3              B_COL3              A_COL4       B_COL4           A_COL5     B_COL5
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ----------
             3          3 Thakur_3   Thakur_3   Thakur_4   Thakur_4   1995-12-05 00:00:00                     test account test account 9.1972E+11 9.1972E+11
    1 row selected.