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SAP UI5 Master Detail Application

I have made one Master Detail application in sapui5. The problem is when i click on the checkbox the data is displayed on the detail page but when i deselect the check box the data is not changing in the detail page.

Here is my View code:

<List id="fruits" items="{/fruits}" mode="MultiSelect" 
                growing="true" growingThreshold="20" 
             selectionChange="onItemPress" updateFinished="attachUpdateFinished" >
                <!--<DisplayListItem label="{name}" value="{benefit}"></DisplayListItem>-->
                <ObjectListItem intro="{Po_No}" title="{name}" number="{Po_Status}" >
                    <ObjectAttribute text="{type}" title="Category"></ObjectAttribute>
            <ObjectHeader id="objid" title="{Po_No}"/>

And here is my Controller code:

             var oItem = oEvent.getParameter("listItem");
             var sPath = oItem.getBindingContext().getObject();
             var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this); 
                Po_No : sPath.Po_No

[As you can see in image that i have deselected the 102 still it shows the data of 102, I want that there should be the data of item which is selected]


  • If you use mode="SingleSelectMaster" as property on your list, your app should work as expected. See for full list of available list modes.