I have a plotly & Dash based application with a 3D Scatterplot. The data head looks like this:
'Classname' 'Date' '0' '1' '2'
B 1542 0.95 0.98 0.80
B 1725 1.00 1.00 0.75
C 1620 0.74 0.36 0.85
I got 26 classes. not every class is represented in every year. Now I want to animate the datapoints by their Date
variable but the rest of the data should always be visible so I can see where in the point cloud the data point is.
Example: All data points are grey and only the points of the current data frame are highlighted with a color.
Since I don't know if that´s possible, I just tried to add the animation frames as additional points with different style. But the animation does not work and I don´t know why. I can see the 'data', a slider and the buttons but no animated frames. If I click on PLAY nothing happens.
Sometimes if I click arount in the graph, there suddenly appear some of the additional 'diamond' points but that´s very buggy and the animation still doesnt work. Looks like this:
I was sticking to this documentation and also tried the advice in this question.
Here´s my code to create the figure:
def animate_time_tsne(dff):
# make figure
fig_dict = {
"data": [],
"layout": {},
"frames": []
years = np.unique(dff['Date'])
styles = np.unique(dff['Classname'])
fig_dict["layout"]["hovermode"] = "closest"
fig_dict["layout"]["updatemenus"] = [
"buttons": [
"args": [None, {"frame": {"duration": 500, "redraw": False},
"fromcurrent": True, "transition": {"duration": 300,
"easing": "quadratic-in-out"}}],
"label": "Play",
"method": "animate"
"args": [[None], {"frame": {"duration": 0, "redraw": False},
"mode": "immediate",
"transition": {"duration": 0}}],
"label": "Pause",
"method": "animate"
"direction": "left",
"pad": {"r": 10, "t": 87},
"showactive": False,
"type": "buttons",
"x": 0.1,
"xanchor": "right",
"y": 0,
"yanchor": "top"
sliders_dict = {
"active": 0,
"yanchor": "top",
"xanchor": "left",
"currentvalue": {
"font": {"size": 20},
"prefix": "Year:",
"visible": True,
"xanchor": "right"
"transition": {"duration": 300, "easing": "cubic-in-out"},
"pad": {"b": 10, "t": 50},
"len": 0.9,
"x": 0.1,
"y": 0,
"steps": []
# create data
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Dark24 + px.colors.qualitative.Light24,
for i, style in enumerate(styles):
data_by_style = dff[dff['Classname'] == style]
data_dict = go.Scatter3d(
x=data_by_style['0'], y=data_by_style['1'], z=data_by_style['2'],
mode='markers', marker={'color': colors[0][i], 'size':5},
#customdata=[data_by_style['Filename'], data_by_style['Classname']]
fig_dict['data'] = fig_dict['data']*2
# create frames
for year in years:
if not np.isnan(year):
frame = {"data": [], "name": str(year), "traces":[1]}
data_by_year = dff[dff['Date'] == year]
for style in styles:
data_by_year_style = data_by_year[data_by_year['Classname'] == style]
data_dict = go.Scatter3d(
x=data_by_year_style['0'], y=data_by_year_style['1'],
marker={'size': 15, 'symbol': 'diamond', 'color':colors[0][-1]},
slider_step = {"args": [
{"frame": {"duration": 300, "redraw": False},
"mode": "immediate",
"transition": {"duration": 300}}
"label": year,
"method": "animate"}
fig_dict["layout"]["sliders"] = [sliders_dict]
return go.Figure(fig_dict)
I couldn´t find it out with go.figure but I found a working solution with plotly express.
dff.dropna(subset=['Date'], inplace=True) # drop nan values
dff = dff.sort_values('Date', ascending=True)
x_range = [dff['0'].min(), dff['0'].max()]
y_range = [dff['1'].min(), dff['1'].max()]
z_range = [dff['2'].min(), dff['2'].max()]
colors = px.colors.qualitative.Dark24 + px.colors.qualitative.Light24
fig = px.scatter_3d(
dff, x='0', y='1', z='2',
range_x=x_range, range_y=y_range, range_z=z_range,
height=900, width=1200
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['frame']['duration'] = 300
fig.layout.updatemenus[0].buttons[0].args[1]['transition']['duration'] = 100
for x in fig.frames:
x.data[0]['marker']['color'] = '#ff00c2'
x.data[0]['marker']['symbol'] = 'diamond'
x.data[0]['marker']['size'] = 20
styles = np.unique(dff['Classname'])
for i, style in enumerate(styles):
data_by_style = dff[dff['Classname'] == style]
x=data_by_style['0'], y=data_by_style['1'], z=data_by_style['2'],
marker={'color': colors[i], 'size': 5},
return fig