I would like to use google charts to visualize some data.
I know from documentation that in order to use google charts the data must be in the following form:
Where c1-c3 are columns one to three and the same of v1-v3 for values.
I currently have data from a query in php in the following form:
Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [C1] => C1V1 [C2] => C2V1 [C3] => C3V3 ))
I am getting my data using a simple sql query in laravel:
$live = DB::connection('azure')->select("SELECT C1,C2 FROM tableName");
How can I convert from my data form to the one from the top so that I can use google charts.
I am using PHP so I would like to be able to convert it in that language.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
To format the data in source array $arr
to fit your needs, you could use:
$newArr[0] = array_keys($arr[0]);
foreach($arr as $record) {
foreach($record as $col => $val) {
$newArr[$i][] = $val;
working demo