I am trying to make a query for sqlite which gives me the consumption of energy meters. If I want to create a simple example:
CREATE TABLE datalog (
rValue REAL);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 00:00:01', 25.1);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 00:15:01', 26.2);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 00:30:01', 27.5);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 00:45:01', 28.8);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 01:00:01', 29.4);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 01:15:01', 30.2);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 01:30:01', 31.5);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 01:45:01', 32.2);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 02:00:01', 33.9);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 02:15:01', 35.2);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 02:30:01', 36.1);
INSERT INTO datalog (tstamp,rValue) VALUES ('2020-01-02 15:30:01', 80.4);
I want to write a query for this table which gives me the consumption of the meter by selecting the first readed value and datetime today (if we assume it is 2020-01-02 is today) and last readed value and datetime of today and gives the below table
startDT | startValue | lastDT | lastValue | consumption
2020-01-02 00:00:01 | 25.1 | 2020-01-02 15:30:01 | 80.4 | 55.3
Nevermind I solved it by doing more research
answer is using multiple subqueries at FROM clause
startData.tstamp AS 'starttime',
startData.rValue AS 'startvalue',
lastData.tstamp AS 'lasttime',
lastData.rValue AS 'lastvalue',
(lastData.rValue-startData.rValue) AS 'consumption'
FROM ( SELECT tstamp, rValue
FROM datalog
WHERE tstamp>= datetime('now','start of day')
ORDER BY tstamp ASC LIMIT 1) startData,
( SELECT tstamp,rValue
FROM datalog
WHERE tstamp>= datetime('now','start of day')
ORDER BY tstamp DESC LIMIT 1) lastData;