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Problems trying to extract username and password from configuration file using a regular expression pattern

I would need to extract an username and a password from a configuration file.

define( 'DB_USER', 'username' );
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password' );

So far I managed to extract a string, using this code:

- set_fact:
    dbuser: "{{ wpconfig.stdout | regex_search('DB_USER(.+)', '\\1') | first }}"


ok: [prod_server] => {
    "dbuser": "', 'username' );"

I would need to extract only the username part and get rid of all other characters.

I tried to play a bit with regular expressions, and I managed to build up one that apparently extracts the username part putting it into Group 1:

If I try to add it to my code, an error shows up:

Syntax Error while loading YAML.
  found unknown escape character 's'


  • Create a dictionary of the parameters. Given the list of the lines, e.g.

        - set_fact:
            wpconfig_list: "{{ lookup('file', 'wpconfig.conf').splitlines() }}"
      - define( 'DB_USER', 'username' );
      - define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password' );

    Fit the code to your needs potentially using wpconfig.stdout_lines

    The task creates the dictionary

        - set_fact:
            wpconfig_dict: "{{ wpconfig_dict|default({})|
                               combine({_key: _val}) }}"
          loop: "{{ wpconfig_list }}"
            _regex1: '^.*\((.*),(.*)\).*$'
            _regex2: "'"
            _key: "{{ item|regex_replace(_regex1, '\\1')|trim|
                           regex_replace(_regex2, '') }}" 
            _val: "{{ item|regex_replace(_regex1, '\\2')|trim|
                           regex_replace(_regex2, '') }}"
        DB_PASSWORD: password
        DB_USER: username

    Select the user, e.g.

        - set_fact:
            dbuser: "{{ wpconfig_dict.DB_USER }}"


      dbuser: username