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diacritics missing after importing CSV using BIML

I am importing CSV files using BIML. That works like a charm. However: there is one caveat. In the imported data diacritics are replaced (eg: Coupé is imported as Coup+®)

Thse CSV seem to be standard CSV files. They are stored on a Windows Share. They are imported into a database with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. The dataflow part of the BIML file looks like this:

                <Dataflow Name="Transport CSV_2_<#=imp_schema#>_<#=fileName#>">
                        <FlatFileSource Name="SRC_FF-<#=fileName#> " ConnectionName="FF_CSV-<#=fileName#>"></FlatFileSource>
                        <OleDbDestination ConnectionName="<#=application#>_<#=imp_schema#>" Name="OLE_DST-<#=fileName#>" >
                        <ExternalTableOutput Table="<#=imp_schema#>.<#=fileName#>"/>

What can I do to make sure diacritics are imported the same way they exist in the files?


  • Solved it by adding CodePage = "65001" to the definition of the flatfile