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Jetbrains Rider filewatcher is not compiling scss to css

I started using Rider a few days back and I wanted to start using SCSS in my projects and compile them back to CSS, I was messing around with the File Watcher but i couldn't get it to work, I keep getting this message in my console when I turn show console to Always; Process finished with exit code 0, but i dont see any changes in my CSS file compared to my SCSS file.

In the link below you can see my File Watcher settings, I appreciate any help i get on this,

Thanks alot.

File watcher settings

This is the output of the console:

Console ouput

Here is the css tree:

Css tree


  • Rider File Watcher

    I found the solution to my problem. For some reason, the following line was configured in 'Output paths to refresh':


    Obviously, this means that the file watcher will not refresh .css or files. It should be empty in order for the compiler to update the .css file.

    I hope others can use this answer to continue their work in the future.