I took an equirectangular envMap
from the three.js docs sample where it appears sharp on a sphere.
If I load the same material into my aframe scene with the following params
material="spherical-env-map: /assets/models/1/envtest.jpeg; roughness: 0; metalness: 1"
it appears blurry like this
What am I doing wrong?
Reproducible example via glitch: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/sepia-forest-keyboard
What I have noticed when setting up the glitch:
Aframe 1.0.3
it is blurryAframe 1.2.0
it remains black no matter what I doThat happens because you are using a PBR material in your code since the default material of A-Frame is MeshStandardMaterial. Meaning a material that tries to render physically correct. The official three.js
example uses MeshLambertMaterial which is no PBR material. Both type of materials implement environment maps differently.
When using a PBR material, it's recommended to use a HDR environment map which is also pre-processed with PMREMGenerator
like in this example: https://threejs.org/examples/webgl_loader_gltf