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Painter's method failing with OpenGL 4?

I'll leave the question up as a cautionary tale to others. The short answer is that uniform variables in GLSL need to be bound to the current program after glUseProgram. They don't find their way magically to shaders on their own. I added a glUniformMatrix4fv(gWorldLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(projection)); after each glUseProgram and things improved.


I'm drawing a floor plan. It's a ortho projection. In the rendering callback, first I paint the floor (z=0) with a pattern, and for the moment I'm filling the whole screen with that pattern. All good. Now it's time to paint the walls, which are just just a lot of skinny rectangles cut into triangles, because apparently drawing thick lines is supposed to be that way.

Originally I did both floor and walls with one fragment shader. I'd draw the floor triangles, set a flag for the shader to see, and then draw the skinny wall triangles. The fragment shader honored the flag by using a different color, and I got floors and walls atop drawn to my satisfaction.

But as I add features I'm going to have more and more things to draw over the floor, so I decided to break the fragment shader apart - one for floors, one for walls, and there will be others for other features. I call glUSeProgram() for the floor, draw my triangles, then call glUseProgram() [and here be dragons it seems] to set the wall shaders up and draw the walls (at z=0.5, just to be sure). Everything broke, and in an interesting way: if I comment out the 2nd glUseProgram and associated draws, I can see the floor. If I put the 2nd Use and Draw ops back in, I see only the walls. And if I draw walls but no-op the wall shader (void main() {return;}) I get nothing drawn at all. With testing I determined that just calling the 2nd glUSeProgram() does the damage. Even if I draw no walls and have a no-op fragment shader after that, the floor is gone and window is blank. So it's not the wall fragment shader going off the rails.

I have a wild theory. I'm guessing this is all asynchronous, and the 2nd UseProgram blows away whatever is in progress with the first one (maybe nothing has even started drawing yet?) If that's true I need some way to say "ok, wait for the first program to finish everywhere". If that's false, I'm at a total loss because I don't see anything that suggests the glUSeProgram() is going to wipe the slate.

Where did I go wrong? I could in theory do everything in one fragment shader, but it would be immense and I know you aren't supposed to need to do that.

Here's the code in the render callback; the #if 01 just indicates what I switch off and on to try things.

    glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
    glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);  //start clean

    mapData.selectShader(mapData.programDMFloor); //does glUseProgram (see below)
    glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); //needed, no idea why?
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBOS); //2 triangles (that for now cover the window)
    glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, IBO); //indexed draw for these 
    glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0); //paint the window with the floor
    glDisableVertexAttribArray(0); //needed, no idea why?

    //If we stop here, we see the floor pattern as expected. But..!

#if 01
    //The floor is now gone (or maybe never happened)

    //this draws the walls
    glEnableVertexAttribArray(0); //needed, don't know why
    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); //no indexed draw for these 
    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, mapData.wallBuffer_); //Select a lot of skinny triangles
    glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);
    //std::cout << "Wall draw " << mapData.triangles_.size() * 3 << " floats from buf " << mapData.wallBuffer_ << '\n';
    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, mapData.triangles_.size() * 3); //no indexed draw for this one
    //we see the walls, but no floor!
    //we see the floor, and of course no walls.
    //Need both!


and as for mapData.selectShader(), it's just

void selectShader(GLuint ShaderProgram) //in Map::
    //All the shaders should be sharing gWorld, so I probably don't need
    // to set this over and over, since it's not going to change. But it needs
    // to follow a glUseProgram so for now it's here. Needed each time?
    gWorldLocation = glGetUniformLocation(ShaderProgram, "gWorld");
    assert(gWorldLocation != 0xFFFFFFFF);

How is this actually supposed to work?

Addendum: a .vs for the Walls:

#version 430
//buffer indexes
#define BI_LIGHTS 0
#define BI_WALLS 1
#define BI_WALLWALK 2
#define BI_DOORS 3

layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;

uniform mat4 gWorld;

layout (std430, binding=BI_WALLINDEXES) buffer wallIndexesSkip
    unsigned int wallIndexes[];

out vec4 Color; //unused; the fragment shader calculates all colors
//but maybe we pass the initial floor texture here someday

flat out unsigned int wallIndex;

void main()
    gl_Position = gWorld * vec4(Position, 1.0);
    //We must the fragment shader which wall it should NOT use to
    // occlude walls, otherwise the wall currently being drawing
    // will be occluded by itself!
    wallIndex = wallIndexes[gl_VertexID/9];

and the beginning of a .fs with declarations:

#version 430

#define BI_LIGHTS 0
#define BI_WALLS 1
#define BI_WALLWALK 2
#define BI_DOORS 3

#define  AMB_NONE 0
#define  AMB_SUNLIGHT 1
#define  AMB_CLOUDY 2
#define  AMB_RAIN 3
#define  AMB_FOG 4
#define  AMB_DIM 5
#define  AMB_TEST 6

#define LIT_NONE 0
#define LIT_MAGICAL 1
#define LIT_FIRE 2

layout (std430, binding=BI_LIGHTS) buffer lights
    unsigned int lightCount;
    //12 bytes wasted in this packing
    vec4 lightData[]; //x, y, radius, typeflag
layout (std430, binding=BI_WALLS) buffer walls
    vec2 wp[];
layout (std430, binding=BI_WALLWALK) buffer wallRuns
    // 0 this wall is ok
    //>0 number to skip including this one
    //0xffffffff marks end
    unsigned int skipWalls[];
layout (std430, binding=BI_DOORS) buffer doors
    unsigned int doorCount;
    //12 bytes wasted in this packing
    vec4 dp[]; //hinge x, hinge y, end x, end y

flat in unsigned int wallIndex;
in vec4 Color;
out vec4 FragColor;


  • I'll leave the question up as a cautionary tale to others. The short answer is that uniform variables in GLSL need to be bound to the current program after glUseProgram. They don't find their way magically to shaders on their own. I added a glUniformMatrix4fv(gWorldLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(projection)); after each glUseProgram and things improved.

    Kudos to the folk in the comments, who zeroed in on the problem in record time.