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VirtualBox: Host can not SSH to Guest

i'm having some issue with m VirtualBox installation, 6.1.22. I have a VM with SUSE (SL12P1) for 64bit as a guest operative system, I have already installed the extension package and I'm trying to reach the guest from the host-system (Windows10) using ssh. I have set the network adapter as "Bridge", in this way the guest has a 192.168.120.x IP, which i verified with ifconfig while the host has an IP of 192.168.120.y. I can ping the guest from the host, but I cannot ssh the guest from the host system. Notice that:

  1. The firewall has been disabled
  2. I have enabled Hyper-V virtualization.
  3. I have tried setting the network adapter as NAT, and use port forwarding, but the ssh does not work either


  • The firewall for SuSE was active by default, after disabling it everything worked.