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How to connect VisualStudio 2017 to specific AOS AX2012?

I have installed the Visual Studio 2017. In order to try to connect to my environment, I used the the command property

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /AxConfig C:\MY_AXC_VAR.axc

enter image description here

But I have this error

Invalid Command Line. Unknown Switch : AxConfig.

enter image description here

There is any way to connect the Visual Studio 2017 to specific Dynamics AX 2012 AOS/environment? Or I have to install another VS extension and update?

Thanks in advice.


  • As many have advised me, Visual Studio 2017 is not supported for AX2012.

    I listed below some info:

    at Page 24:

    Thanks all.