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Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) (Segmentation Fault / Fortran)

I am facing a segmentation fault. So, I decided to use valgrind. For the compilation, I used :

gfortran -fopenmp -g HECESE_openmp.f90

For the execution, I used:

valgrind --track-origins=yes ./a.out

One of the errors I got is "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" followed by "Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation". You can see it below.

==13202== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==13202==    at 0x1159DC: __procedures_MOD_grad._omp_fn.4 (HECESE_openmp.f90:690)
==13202==    by 0x4C78E75: GOMP_parallel (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==13202==    by 0x10BF25: __procedures_MOD_grad (HECESE_openmp.f90:660)
==13202==    by 0x1123FF: MAIN__ (HECESE_openmp.f90:1063)
==13202==    by 0x113E89: main (HECESE_openmp.f90:721)
==13202==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
==13202==    at 0x10B211: __procedures_MOD_grad (HECESE_openmp.f90:482)
==13202== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==13202==    at 0x1159E2: __procedures_MOD_grad._omp_fn.4 (HECESE_openmp.f90:690)
==13202==    by 0x4C78E75: GOMP_parallel (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==13202==    by 0x10BF25: __procedures_MOD_grad (HECESE_openmp.f90:660)
==13202==    by 0x1123FF: MAIN__ (HECESE_openmp.f90:1063)
==13202==    by 0x113E89: main (HECESE_openmp.f90:721)
==13202==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
==13202==    at 0x10B211: __procedures_MOD_grad (HECESE_openmp.f90:482)
==13202== Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line
==13202==    at 0x0: ???
==13202==    by 0x4C7BD7A: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==13202==    by 0x4C846A7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==13202==    by 0x4C8304C: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
==13202==    by 0x10BF25: __procedures_MOD_grad (HECESE_openmp.f90:660)
==13202==    by 0x1123FF: MAIN__ (HECESE_openmp.f90:1063)
==13202==    by 0x113E89: main (HECESE_openmp.f90:721)
==13202==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd

Here is the code I compiled :

       tasklist_GRAD(5)%f_ptr => u_prime_2 !5
       tasklist_GRAD(6)%f_ptr => taux_ !6
       tasklist_GRAD(7)%f_ptr => u_prime_gauche_2 !7 
       tasklist_GRAD(8)%f_ptr => u_prime_droite_2 !8
       tasklist_GRAD(9)%f_ptr => ax_droite_1 !9
       tasklist_GRAD(10)%f_ptr => ax_gauche_1 !10
       tasklist_GRAD(11)%f_ptr => ux_droite_1 !11
       tasklist_GRAD(12)%f_ptr => ux_gauche_1 !12
       tasklist_GRAD(13)%f_ptr => u_grad_x_2 !13
       tasklist_GRAD(14)%f_ptr => u_prime_gauche_3 !14 
       tasklist_GRAD(15)%f_ptr => u_prime_droite_3 !15
       tasklist_GRAD(16)%f_ptr => ax_droite_2 !16
       tasklist_GRAD(17)%f_ptr => ax_gauche_2 !17
       tasklist_GRAD(18)%f_ptr => ux_droite_2 !18
       tasklist_GRAD(19)%f_ptr => ux_gauche_2 !19
       tasklist_GRAD(20)%f_ptr => u_grad_x_3 !20

       !$OMP PARALLEL PRIVATE(num_thread,nthreads) &
       !$OMP SHARED(tasklist_GRAD,threads_list,threads_list_all,tasks_ready_master) &
       !$OMP SHARED(threads_list_part1,threads_list_part2,threads_list_part3)

       !Thread Application Master
       if (num_thread==1) then
          do ff=5,20
             if (associated(tasklist_GRAD(ff)%f_ptr) .eqv. .true.) then
                tasks_ready_master(ff) = tasklist_GRAD(ff) 
             end if
          end do

          do ff=5,20
             if (associated(tasks_ready_master(ff)%f_ptr) .eqv. .true.) then
             end if
          end do
       end if

       !Thread Master 
       if (num_thread==0) then
          do ff=1,nthreads-2
          end do

          do ff=5,20,nthreads-2
             if (tasks_ready_master(ff)%state==STATE_READY) then
             end if
          end do
       end if
       !$OMP BARRIER
       !Threads workers
       do ff=5,20
          if (num_thread==threads_list_part3(ff-4)) then
             !$OMP TASK
             call tasks_ready_master(ff)%f_ptr(self,ww,pas,cpt ,nb_element,cpt1,dt,dx,p_element,u_prime,u_prime_moins,u_prime_plus,&
             !$OMP END TASK
          end if
       end do

       !$OMP END PARALLEL    

The line 690 is : if (tasks_ready_master(ff)%state==STATE_READY) then

For the used lists :


I ignore where the error comes from. Can you help me, please ? It's the first time I use Valgrind and the first time I ask a question on this website.


  • Unfortunately you have edited the code into the working version which obscures what the problem was. The relevant piece of the earlier code read

               !Thread Master 
               if (num_thread==0) then
               end if
               !Threads workers
               do ff=5,20
                  if (num_thread==threads_list_part3(ff-4)) then

    You have a race condition. Thread zero executes the block in the brackets, but the other threads are still running and so carry on into the do loop, and therefore threads_list_part3 might be accessed by non-master threads before the master thread has initialised it. The simplest fix is to use a barrier to ensure non-master threads wait for the master to complete its work. You can either do this explicitly

                   !Thread Master 
                   if (num_thread==0) then
                   end if
    !$omp barrier     
                   !Threads workers
                   do ff=5,20
                      if (num_thread==threads_list_part3(ff-4)) then 

    Or implicitly via a worksharing construct, such as !$omp single

    !$omp single
                   !Thread Master 
    !$omp end single     
                   !Threads workers
                   do ff=5,20
                      if (num_thread==threads_list_part3(ff-4)) then

    Personally I think I prefer the second form.