To full text search an IMongoQueryable<T>
we can use the following extension method.
public static IMongoQueryable<T> WhereText<T>(this IMongoQueryable<T> query, string search) where T: IScored
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Text(search);
return query.Where(_ => filter.Inject())
Similarly, how can the full text search score, which is normally sorted on using :
private static readonly ProjectionDefinition<ProductTypeSearchResult> TextMatchScoreProjection =
private static readonly SortDefinition<ProductTypeSearchResult> Sort =
be implemented using IMongoQueryable<T>
The examples are blank in the documentation
Given a class member:
private readonly IMongoCollection<SomeType> _someTypes;
The code to inject the query score will look like:
private IAggregateFluent<SomeType> CreateSearchQuery(string query, int skipCount, int limitCount)
var filter = Builders<SomeType>.Filter.Text(query);
return _someTypes
// Sadly, we must create the query every time because we don't have a way to pass in
// a filter to an already created query, or change the properties of the filter.
// Currently the null coalescing operator (??) is not supported in match expressions
// see
// Currently there is no way to "inject" the text search score
// see
.AppendStage<SomeType>("{$addFields: {score: {$meta:'textScore'}}}")