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Andrioid Retrofit Multipart Image Upload 500 error

I'm facing 500 error when I try to upload image Using retrofit. I'm sending the image as multipart/formdata. Giving 201Post man screen shot in postman, but from our application getting 500 error. Can anyone help me to fix this. here my code

  fun uploadImage(filepath: String) {
        Log.e("info", ">>>>>status>>>>>" + ">>>>>>" + filepath)
        val file = File(filepath)
        Log.d("file...", "length..." + file.length())

        val mimeType = getMimeType(file)
        val metaobject = JSONObject()
        metaobject.put("eye", "OD")
        // for image
        val requestBody: RequestBody = MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM)
            .addFormDataPart("file",, file.asRequestBody(mimeType!!.toMediaTypeOrNull())).build()
//        val requestBody: RequestBody = RequestBody.create(MultipartBody.FORM,file)

        val body: MultipartBody.Part = MultipartBody.Part.createFormData("file",, requestBody)
        // for meta data
        val metabody: RequestBody = MultipartBody.Builder().setType(MultipartBody.FORM).addFormDataPart(
                "metadata", metaobject.toString()).build()

        val header = HashMap<String, String>()
      //  header["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------//-941843893261340198843616"
   //     header["Content-Length"] = file.length().toString()
        header["Authorization"] =
            "Bearer <<token>>"
        val request = ApiService.buildService(
        val call = request.sendMediaFile(header,body, metabody)
            object : Callback<ResponseBody?> {
                override fun onResponse(
                    call: Call<ResponseBody?>,
                    response: Response<ResponseBody?>
                ) {
                    Log.e("Upload", "success" + response.body().toString())
                    Log.e("Upload", "success" + response.errorBody().toString())


                override fun onFailure(call: Call<ResponseBody?>, t: Throwable) {
                    Log.e("Upload error:", t.message!!)

And API Helper class

    fun sendMediaFile(
        @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>,
        @Part image: MultipartBody.Part,
        @Part("metadata") metadata: RequestBody?
    ): Call<ResponseBody?>


  • I have fixed issue. I have posted both params in single request body and changed param as @Part to @Body.

    fun uploadImage(filepath: String) {
            Log.e("info", ">>>>>status>>>>>" + ">>>>>>" + filepath)
            val file = File(filepath)
            Log.d("file...", "length..." + file.length())
            val mimeType = getMimeType(file)
            val metaobject = JSONObject()
            metaobject.put("eye", "OD")
     val requestBody: RequestBody = MultipartBody.Builder()
                            .addFormDataPart("metadata", metaobject.toString())
            val header = HashMap<String, String>()
            header["Authorization"] =
                "Bearer <<token>>"
            val request = ApiService.buildService(
            val call = request.sendMediaFile(header,requestBody)
                object : Callback<ResponseBody?> {
                    override fun onResponse(
                        call: Call<ResponseBody?>,
                        response: Response<ResponseBody?>
                    ) {
                        Log.e("Upload", "success" + response.body().toString())
                        Log.e("Upload", "success" + response.errorBody().toString())
                    override fun onFailure(call: Call<ResponseBody?>, t: Throwable) {
                        Log.e("Upload error:", t.message!!)

    and in helper class

        fun sendMediaFile(
            @Path("profileId") profile_id: String,
            @HeaderMap headers: Map<String, String>,
            @Body metadata: RequestBody?
        ): Call<ResponseBody?>