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'AnsiConsole' does not contain a definition for 'Live'

I am using Spectre.Console extension for C# Console Application. And I wanted to use Live-Display module of Spectre.Console but I encoutered following problem:

'AnsiConsole' does not contain a definition for 'Live'

Here is my code, or better say, part of it which contains problem (... are parts which aren't required in sample, so during testing/debugging/modification remove them)

using System;
using Spectre.Console;

namespace ConsoleApp2
    class Program
        static void Main(...)
                .Start(ctx =>
        public static void Clock()

Additional information

  • I installed extension using NuGet package manager with following command: PM> Install-Package Spectre.Console, not with dotnet add package Spectre.Console as indicated in docs, but latter option was unavailable for some reason so I used first.
  • I am using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition
  • I am using .NET Framework 4.7.2


  • Ok, so thanks to @JonSkeet's and @yaakov's comments, I tried installing latest pre-release version 0.39.1-preview-0.31 instead of latest stable version 0.39 and it worked.

    Looks like problem was with versions.