Search code examples

Refresh Indicator does not update a list after deleting data

I have a FutureBuilder getting specific items from Firestore and returning them in a list. To update this list I added RefreshIndicator. When something is added to the list and I refresh it, it works normally and the item appears. The problem occurs when I remove an item from the list, it loads but the list remains the same.

This is my Widget:

 void initState() {
   userFuture = getCollectionItems();

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      backgroundColor: Colors.white,
      body: Column(
        children: [
            margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 5.5),
            padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 17, right: 17),
            child: Row(
              mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
              children: [
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontFamily: 'Montserrat',
                    fontSize: 28,
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.w800,
            child: RefreshIndicator(
              onRefresh: () => getCollectionItems(),
              child: displayCollection(),

When I restart the app or go to another page and come back with pushNamedRemoveUntil the list updates properly, this indicates that the query is working.

getCollectionItems() and displayCollection():

getCollectionItems() async {
    QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await Firestore.instance

    List<Users> collectionID = [];
    for (DocumentSnapshot item in querySnapshot.documents) {
      var data =;

      Users user = Users(); = data["id"];


    final collectionIDs = =>;

    var splitCollection = partition<dynamic>(collectionIDs, 10);

    for (int i = 0; i < splitCollection.length; i++) {
      QuerySnapshot querySnapshotCollections = await Firestore.instance
          .where('itemId', whereIn: splitCollection.elementAt(i))
          .orderBy('timestamp', descending: true)

      setState(() {
        countItem = querySnapshotCollections.documents.length;
        itemsList = querySnapshotCollections.documents
            .map((documentSnapshot) =>

displayCollection() {
    return FutureBuilder(
        future: userFuture,
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          if (snapshot.connectionState != ConnectionState.done) {
            return Padding(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 20),
              child: SizedBox(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(
                  valueColor: new AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color> 
                width: 20.0,
                height: 20.0,
          if (itemsList == null) {
            return Container(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 20),
              child: SizedBox(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(
                  valueColor: new AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color> 
                width: 20.0,
                height: 20.0,
          } else if (itemsList.isEmpty) {
            return ListView(
              physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(
                  parent: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()),
              children: [
                  child: Container(
                    padding: EdgeInsets.only(
                        top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.50,
                        left: 17,
                        right: 17),
                    child: Column(
                      children: [
                          "Nothing here.",
                          style: TextStyle(
                              fontFamily: 'Montserrat',
                              fontSize: 13,
                              color: Color(0xff9e9999),
                              fontWeight: FontWeight.w500),
          } else if (itemOrientation == "grid") {
            List<GridTile> gridTilesList = [];
            itemsList.forEach((eachItem) {
            return GridView.count(
              crossAxisCount: 2,
              padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 15, 10, 0),
              childAspectRatio: 3 / 2,
              mainAxisSpacing: 15,
              crossAxisSpacing: 10,
              shrinkWrap: true,
              physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(
                  parent: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()),
              children: gridTilesList,
          } else {
            return Container(
              padding: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 15),
              child: ListView(
                  padding: EdgeInsets.all(0.0),
                  shrinkWrap: true,
                  physics: const BouncingScrollPhysics(
                      parent: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()),
                  children: itemsList),

I've tried several things, switched to Stream (it didn't work), added another setState to the Widget itself, rebuilt the classes but the problem persists.


  • Hmmm, your displayCollection widget is displaying data based on userFuture, but halfway through you using itemList instead, and your onRefresh function is updating the itemList but not userFuture.

    I won't do exactly like you do, but i refactored a bit.

    You can try something like this, i didn't test it but let me know if it works 😊

    // I changed `userFuture` to `futureItems`
    Future<List<CollectionItem>> futureItems; 
    void initState() {
      futureItems = getCollectionItems();
    Future<List<CollectionItem>> getCollectionItems() async {
      // ... Do your query here
      return {
        return CollectionItem.fromDocument(documentSnapshot);
    Future<void> refreshCollectionItems() async {
      setState(() {
        // This will update the futureItems
        futureItems = getCollectionItems(); 
    Widget displayCollection() {
      return FutureBuilder<List<CollectionItem>>(
        future: futureItems,  // The data returned will be inside `snapshot` below
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          if (snapshot?.hasData ?? false) {
            List<CollectionItem> items =; // This is the return value from `futureItems`
            return RefreshIndicator(
              onRefresh: refreshCollectionItems,
              child: ListView.builder(
                itemCount: items.length, // This is how to get the length, so no need to use `countItem`
                itemBuilder: (context, index){
                  CollectionItem item = items[index];
                  return // ...Display your widget with item data
          return // Display widget to handle loading/error/no data

    Plus it is important to define the return type of a function so that you will know what you will get after executing a function.