I would like to test how being female affects the day of hospital discharge. For this I would like to run a series of regression where the dependent variable is =1 if Monday is the discharge day and =0 otherwise. Next, model would be =1 if Tuesday, and =0 otherwise... etc. The days of the week at the moment are stored in a categorical variable called wkday
How would I do this quickly using tidymodel
for in a for-loop
for example? Here is what I have so far...
# libraries:
# create dataset:
id <- seq(1:1000)
wkdays <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
wkday <- sample(wkdays,1000, replace=T)
female <- sample(0:1, 1000, replace = T)
dta <- data.frame(id=id, wkday=wkday, female=female)
dta$mon <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Monday",1,0)
dta$tues <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Tuesday",1,0)
dta$wed <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Wednesday",1,0)
dta$thurs <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Thursday",1,0)
dta$fri <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Friday",1,0)
dta$sat <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Saturday",1,0)
dta$sun <- ifelse(dta$wkday=="Sunday",1,0)
# Model:
mon <- glm(mon ~ female, data=dta, family = "binomial")
tues <- glm(tues ~ female, data=dta, family = "binomial")
Maybe something like the following answers the question.
First of all, there is no need to create the dummies one by one by hand, model.matrix
is meant for that.
# create dataset:
id <- 1:1000
wkdays <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
wkday <- sample(wkdays,1000, replace=T)
female <- sample(0:1, 1000, replace = T)
dta <- data.frame(id=id, wkday=wkday, female=female)
tmp <- model.matrix(~0 + wkday, dta)
colnames(tmp) <- sub("wkday", "", colnames(tmp))
Now the models.
cbind(dta, tmp) %>%
select(-wkday) %>%
cols = -c(id, female),
names_to = "wkday",
values_to = "dummy"
) %>%
group_by(wkday) %>%
do(tidy(lm(dummy ~ female, data = .)))
## A tibble: 14 x 6
## Groups: wkday [7]
# wkday term estimate std.error statistic p.value
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Friday (Intercept) 0.128 0.0155 8.26 4.55e-16
# 2 Friday female 0.0226 0.0219 1.03 3.03e- 1
# 3 Monday (Intercept) 0.152 0.0163 9.30 8.52e-20
# 4 Monday female 0.0126 0.0231 0.547 5.84e- 1
# 5 Saturday (Intercept) 0.170 0.0163 10.4 3.78e-24
# 6 Saturday female -0.0234 0.0231 -1.01 3.12e- 1
# 7 Sunday (Intercept) 0.138 0.0156 8.82 4.88e-18
# 8 Sunday female 0.00857 0.0221 0.388 6.98e- 1
# 9 Thursday (Intercept) 0.128 0.0157 8.14 1.13e-15
#10 Thursday female 0.0326 0.0222 1.47 1.43e- 1
#11 Tuesday (Intercept) 0.138 0.0145 9.49 1.63e-20
#12 Tuesday female -0.0355 0.0205 -1.73 8.41e- 2
#13 Wednesday (Intercept) 0.148 0.0155 9.55 9.66e-21
#14 Wednesday female -0.0174 0.0219 -0.797 4.26e- 1
Without the intercepts in the final output (but models with intercept):
cbind(dta, tmp) %>%
select(-wkday) %>%
cols = -c(id, female),
names_to = "wkday",
values_to = "dummy"
) %>%
group_by(wkday) %>%
do(tidy(lm(dummy ~ female, data = .))) %>%
filter(term != "(Intercept)")
## A tibble: 7 x 6
## Groups: wkday [7]
# wkday term estimate std.error statistic p.value
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 Friday female 0.0226 0.0219 1.03 0.303
#2 Monday female 0.0126 0.0231 0.547 0.584
#3 Saturday female -0.0234 0.0231 -1.01 0.312
#4 Sunday female 0.00857 0.0221 0.388 0.698
#5 Thursday female 0.0326 0.0222 1.47 0.143
#6 Tuesday female -0.0355 0.0205 -1.73 0.0841
#7 Wednesday female -0.0174 0.0219 -0.797 0.426
This is simpler, there is no need to create tmp
, it can be created in the pipe. To filter out the intercepts is left optional.
model.matrix(~0 + wkday, dta) %>% as.data.frame
) %>%
select(-wkday) %>%
cols = -c(id, female),
names_to = "wkday",
values_to = "dummy"
) %>%
mutate(wkday = sub("^wkday", "", wkday)) %>%
group_by(wkday) %>%
do(tidy(lm(dummy ~ female, data = .)))