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Create new Uri using Url encoded string in C#


I need to create Uri which Contains all its attributes like (OriginalString, Query) as URL encoded.

What I tried:

I am able to format input string of Uri with below options:

string encodedString = inputString.Replace("'", "%27"); //example encoding


System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode (inputString)

Tried all approaches to convert string to encoded string, like EscapeDataString/EscapeUriString etc

What I need to achieve

var uri = new Uri(encodedString);

When I create new Uri (like above) again %27 is replaced by '.

UPDATE 1: Not all fields of uri are converted into %27. OriginalString is converted in my case.

I want to pass this uri to HttpClient.

Do we have any mechanism to make Uri with encoded string.


  • Based on locale settings and used keyboard, iOS may use some other apostrophe-like character, for example right single quotation mark U+2019 ('). Solution was to handle that.