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Using Join, Select, and Split with Private IP value on Cloudformation

I am getting a bug when trying to compose a reverse zone entry dns in Cloudformation.

This is my entry:

Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
  HostedZoneId: !Ref ReverseHostedZoneId
    - !Join [ '', [ !Select [3, !Split [ ".", !GetAtt LinuxEC2Instance.PrivateIp ] ],  ] ]
  Type: PTR
  TTL: '86400'
    - xxxxxxxx

When deploying the Cloudformation entry, I receive the following error:

Value of property Name must be of type String

I assume that this has to do with the fact that LinuxEC2Instance.PrivateIp is a number and it is not valid to Split a number. But this is just a guess. I am a bit at a loss what I am doing wrong here. LinuxEC2Instance.PrivateIp is an ip address like and I only need the last part so I need 113 from that number, that is why I am using split here.

What do I need to do to fix this error?


  • I assume that this has to do with the fact that LinuxEC2Instance.PrivateIp is a number and it is not valid to Split a number.

    No its not. It means that your Name is List, as you put - in it. It must be plain String, so it should be (no -):

        !Join [ '', [ !Select [0, !Split [ ".", !GetAtt LinuxEC2Instance.PrivateIp ] ],  ] ]

    The Join can have other mistakes, but I only concentrate on your current error message.