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Route model binding with multiple wildcards

How to explicitly say to route model binding to fetch only related categories? I have my web.php file as follows:

Route::get('/catalog/{category}', [CategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('category.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}', [SubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subcategory.index');
Route::get('/catalog/{category}/{subcategory}/{subsubcategory}', [SubsubcategoryController::class, 'index'])->name('subsubcategory.index');

Subsubcategory controller:

public function index(Category $category, Subcategory $subcategory, Subsubcategory $subsubcategory)
    $products = Product::where('subsubcategory_id', $subsubcategory->id)->orderByRaw('product_order = 0, product_order')->get();
 return view('subsubcategory.index', compact('subsubcategory', 'products'));

And model in question:

public function subcategory()
    return $this->belongsTo(Subcategory::class);

public function category()
    return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);

public function getRouteKeyName()
    return 'slug';

It works partially ok. It loads all the slugs, but the problem is, let's say I have Samsung Subsubcategory with it's parent categories like:


Whenever I modify url from catalog/mobile-phones/android/samsung to catalog/mobile-phones/ios/samsung it works, where in fact it should not. How to handle this second scenario?

PS: it also applies if I open subcategory and change category slug. But, obviously, if upper level category does not exists, it's going to throw 404.


  • You may want to explore the docs a bit in regard to explicit route model binding and customizing the resolution logic to get some ideas.

    The following is untested and I'm making some guesses about your table structures, but I think this should give you a basic concept of how you can alter route model binding to fit your needs. The same concept could also be applied to the {subcategory} binding, but with one less relationship check.


    public function boot()
        // ...default code...
        // add custom resolution for binding 'subsubcategory'
        Route::bind('subsubcategory', function($slug, $route) {
            // check to see if category exists
            if ($category = Category::where('slug',$route->parameter('category'))->first()) {
                // check to see if subcategory exists under category
                if ($subcategory = $category->subcategories()->where('slug',$route->parameter('subcategory'))->first()) {
                    // check to see if subsubcategory exists under subcategory
                    if ($subsubcategory = $subcategory->subsubcategories()->where('slug',$slug)->first()) {
                        // success, proper relationship exists
                        return $subsubcategory;
            // fail (404) if we get here
            throw new ModelNotFoundException();

    I will note, however, that this makes a number of separate database calls. There may be more efficient ways to achieve the same goal through other methods if optimization is a concern.