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unexpected error when trying stripe with apple pay using ionic capacitor

i am using to integrate in my ionic-angular app with apple pay.

the payload and code looks like below

const Stripe = Plugins.Stripe as StripePlugin;
Stripe.setPublishableKey({ key: 'xxxx' }); //test key
const clientSecret: string = 'xxxx'; //test secret

 await Stripe.confirmPaymentIntent({
      applePayOptions: {
        // options here
        merchantId: '',
        country: 'US',
        currency: 'USD',
        items: [
            label: 'my desc',
            amount: 1, // amount in dollars

this shows the apple pay sheeet nicely but when i double click to confirm the payment it thorws error that i can see in the xcode console as below

ERROR MESSAGE: {"message":"payment failed: There was an unexpected error -- try again in a few seconds","errorMessage":"There was an unexpected error -- try again in a few seconds"}

i have tried it on device and with live keys as well but no luck


  • The code below worked for me. Note that it is 1 for $1 but stripe uses 100 for $1.

    try {
      const paymentIntent = await this.stripeService.createPaymentIntentOnServer(100);
      const result = await StripePlg.confirmPaymentIntent(
        { clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret,
          applePayOptions: {
          merchantId: '',
          items: [{ label: 'Bread sticks', amount: 1, },],
          currency: 'NZD',
          country: 'NZ', 
      // then call finalizeApplePayTransaction with the result to dismiss the UI modal
      StripePlg.finalizeApplePayTransaction({ success: true });
    } catch (err) {
      StripePlg.finalizeApplePayTransaction({ success: false })
    // Server
    // createPaymentIntentOnServer - this returns the client_secret
    const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({
      amount: paymentAmount, // 100
      currency: 'nzd',
      payment_method_types: ['card'],
      customer:,  // I use a Stripe Customer here which I create first
      expand: ['invoice'] 