In Acumatica (Build 2020.5.2.368) we have done extensive customisations on the Project Task (DAC: PMTask) which saves correctly when we hit the Save button. When we want to push over some of the changes to the Revenue Budget tab (DAC: PMRevenueBudget) - we use the following code:
// Task updated
protected void PMTask_RowUpdated(PXCache cache, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
var row = (PMTask)e.Row;
PMTaskExt TaskExt = row.GetExtension<PMTaskExt>();
// Check Qty
if (TaskExt.UsrQuantity == 0)
TaskExt.UsrQuantity = 1;
if (TaskExt.UsrCostPrice != 0 && TaskExt.UsrMarginPerc != 0)
// do custom calculations here -- I removed the part of the code as it was useless for the purpose of posting here.
// Set custom fields
// These fields all have values greater than 0 --> Double Checked this
TaskExt.UsrMarkupPerc = TaskExt.UsrCostPrice * TaskExt.UsrQuantity / 100;
TaskExt.UsrLineCost = TaskExt.UsrCostPrice * TaskExt.UsrQuantity;
TaskExt.UsrSellPrice = TaskExt.UsrUnitPrice * TaskExt.UsrQuantity;
TaskExt.UsrTotalRevenue = TaskExt.UsrSellPrice - TaskExt.UsrLineCost;
TaskExt.UsrCostPriceCalculation = Convert.ToDecimal(12.00);
TaskExt.UsrUnitPriceCalculation = Convert.ToDecimal(88.99);
// More calculations
int revAccountID = 0;
int costAccountID = 0;
foreach (PMAccountGroup pmag in AccountInfo.Select())
if (pmag.GroupCD.Trim().Equals("INCOME"))
revAccountID = (int)pmag.GroupID; // 898
if (pmag.GroupCD.Trim().Equals("EXPENSES"))
costAccountID = (int)pmag.GroupID;
// Find the Inventory Type
InventoryItem inventory = InvetoryInfo.Search<InventoryItem.inventoryID>(TaskExt.UsrInventoryID);
string invUOM = "";
if (inventory != null)
invUOM = inventory.BaseUnit;
// Task --> Revenue Budget
PMRevenueBudget revbudgetItem = Base.RevenueBudget.Search<PMRevenueBudget.projectTaskID>(thisTask.TaskID);
if (revbudgetItem != null)
revbudgetItem.AccountGroupID = revAccountID;
revbudgetItem.InventoryID = thiskExt.UsrInventoryID;
revbudgetItem.CuryUnitRate = thiskExt.UsrUnitPrice;
revbudgetItem.Qty = thiskExt.UsrQuantity;
revbudgetItem.CuryAmount = thiskExt.UsrSellPrice;
revbudgetItem.UOM = invUOM;
revbudgetItem.RevisedQty = revbudgetItem.Qty;
revbudgetItem.CuryRevisedAmount = revbudgetItem.CuryAmount;
// --> Base.RevenueBudget.Update(revbudgetItem); <-- This works to update the cahce, but as soon as the user hits save, it reverts the changes back to 0.
I have tried it in the row persisting and persisted events but then get the
"Another process has added/updated record"
error which reverts everything. How can I get the values over and save it to the table when I hit the Save button?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So, the best solution to this we found so far is to update the Graph in the row persisted.
protected void PMProject_RowPersisted(PXCache cache, PXRowPersistedEventArgs e)
var row = (PMProject)e.Row;
if (e.TranStatus == PXTranStatus.Completed)
var target = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectTaskEntry>();
var target2 = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectEntry>();
//var target = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectEntry>();
foreach (PMTask taskitem in Base.Tasks.Select())
PMTaskExt TaskExt = taskitem.GetExtension<PMTaskExt>();
foreach (PMRevenueBudget revbudgetItem in Base.RevenueBudget.Search<PMRevenueBudget.projectTaskID>(taskitem.TaskID))
revbudgetItem.Qty = TaskExt.UsrQuantity;