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Multiple Substring is not working in MVC Razor view

In razor view below For Each using

 @foreach (var i in (List<MyDME.Data.Model.ERNFileRequestDTO>)ViewBag.lst)
                        for (int j = 0; j < i.Parse835Details.storedChkNo.Count; j++)



                              //below line doing substring which is not working
   @(i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(4, 5) + " " + i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(6, 7) + " " + i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(0, 3))
                                    <a href='/PatientManagement/[email protected](i.path)'>Download</a>


below error is getting

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length'

IF i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j] vlaues is 20210225 like that date format is coming in string, from this value doing substring but not able to do substring for multiple substring.

if i use below single range then its working

@i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(0, 5)

if i use below single range then its not working

@i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(4, 5)


  • You are using the method public string Substring (int startIndex, int length).
    But it seems you think it is public string Substring (int startIndex, int endIndex).

    The extract characters 4 + 5, you need to pass length as 2, as follows:

    @i.Parse835Details.storedChkDate[j].Substring(4, 2)

    And similar for the other calls.