Search code examples

How do I use the "referenced_tweets.type" response field in the Twitter API in Python code where I'm trying to extract Twitter hashtag data?

I am using code which is working fine. I have added the whole code as taken from geeks for geeks. But I want to modify it to add referenced_tweets.type. I am new to APIs and really want to understand how to fix this.

import pandas as pd
import tweepy

# function to display data of each tweet
def printtweetdata(n, ith_tweet):
    print(f"Tweet {n}:")
    print(f"Following Count:{ith_tweet[3]}")
    print(f"Follower Count:{ith_tweet[4]}")
    print(f"Total Tweets:{ith_tweet[5]}")
    print(f"Retweet Count:{ith_tweet[6]}")
    print(f"Tweet Text:{ith_tweet[7]}")
    print(f"Hashtags Used:{ith_tweet[8]}")

# function to perform data extraction
def scrape(words, date_since, numtweet):

    # Creating DataFrame using pandas
    db = pd.DataFrame(columns=['username', 'likes', 'location', 'following',
                            'followers', 'totaltweets', 'retweetcount', 'text', 'hashtags'])

    # We are using .Cursor() to search through twitter for the required tweets.
    # The number of tweets can be restricted using .items(number of tweets)
    tweets = tweepy.Cursor(, q=words, lang="en",
                        since=date_since, tweet_mode='extended').items(numtweet)

    # .Cursor() returns an iterable object. Each item in
    # the iterator has various attributes that you can access to
    # get information about each tweet
    list_tweets = [tweet for tweet in tweets]

    # Counter to maintain Tweet Count
    i = 1

    # we will iterate over each tweet in the list for extracting information about each tweet
    for tweet in list_tweets:
        username = tweet.user.screen_name
        likes = tweet.favorite_count
        location = tweet.user.location
        following = tweet.user.friends_count
        followers = tweet.user.followers_count
        totaltweets = tweet.user.statuses_count
        retweetcount = tweet.retweet_count
        hashtags = tweet.entities['hashtags']

        # Retweets can be distinguished by a retweeted_status attribute,
        # in case it is an invalid reference, except block will be executed
            text = tweet.retweeted_status.full_text
        except AttributeError:
            text = tweet.full_text
        hashtext = list()
        for j in range(0, len(hashtags)):

        # Here we are appending all the extracted information in the DataFrame
        ith_tweet = [username, likes, location, following,
                    followers, totaltweets, retweetcount, text, hashtext]
        db.loc[len(db)] = ith_tweet

        # Function call to print tweet data on screen
        printtweetdata(i, ith_tweet)
        i = i+1
    filename = 'etihad.csv'

    # we will save our database as a CSV file.

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Enter your own credentials obtained
    # from your developer account
    consumer_key = 
    consumer_secret = 
    access_key = 
    access_secret = 
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
    auth.set_access_token(access_key, access_secret)
    api = tweepy.API(auth)

    # Enter Hashtag and initial date
    print("Enter Twitter HashTag to search for")
    words = input()
    print("Enter Date since The Tweets are required in yyyy-mm--dd")
    date_since = input()

    # number of tweets you want to extract in one run
    numtweet = 100
    scrape(words, date_since, numtweet)
    print('Scraping has completed!')

I now want to add referenced_tweets.type in order to get if the Tweet is a Retweet or not but I'm not sure how to do it. Can someone help?


  • uses the standard search API, part of Twitter API v1.1.
    referenced_tweets is a value that can be set for tweet.fields, a Twitter API v2 fields parameter.

    Currently, if you want to use Twitter API v2 through Tweepy, you'll have to use the development version of Tweepy on the master branch and its Client class. Otherwise, you'll need to wait until Tweepy v4.0 is released.

    Alternatively, if your only goal is to determine whether a Status/Tweet object is a Retweet or not, you can simply check for the retweeted_status attribute.