We are currently developing a cloud solution that would require 2000+ clients to publish events (1-2 per second) into an Event Hub. We built a prototype that gives each client a Shared access policy (Authorization Rule), and creates a SAS token with a publisher policy as defined here
We thus are able to identify the publisher of each event by inspecting the x-opt-publisher system property, and to revoke access to the Event Hub for each client at any time, without having to resort to token expiry and renewal.
However, we recently learned that the maximum amount of SAPs / Authorization rules is 12, so this solution ultimately will not work.
Is there another solution to this problem? Our goals are:
Thanks in advance
You don't need to create a dedicated SAS policy for each device or publisher. Please note that a publisher should only own a token signed for itself and should not be able to access the SAS policy key.
Feel free to check the publisher policy document here for more details.