We're using a Fluent UI React Contextual Menu because the Fluent UI Northstar library doesn't contain a Context Menu Component. However, we'd like to use the MS Teams Icons that are in the Fluent UI Northstar library but I can't seem to find any documentation on how to use JSX/Component as your icon on the Contextual Menu. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
Relevant documentation from Microsoft: Fluent UI Context Menu Icon Property Fluent UI Northstar Icons
The contextual menu has a property contextualMenuItemAs
to which you can pass a menuItemTemplate function. Here's an example of how to make that function:
const menuItemTemplate: React.FunctionComponent<IContextualMenuItemProps> = menuItemProps => {
const getIcon = (key: string): JSX.Element => {
switch (key) {
case 'phone':
return <CallIcon outline />;
case 'chat':
return <ChatIcon outline />;
return <span></span>;
return (
<span className={contextMenuItemIconStyle}>{getIcon(menuItemProps.item.key)}</span>
<span className={contextMenuItemTextStyle}>{menuItemProps.item.text}</span>
You'll then have to style your own styles to style these menu item spans.