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Print all VM names and private IP from subnet

I want to list all Virtual Machine names that contain a private IP address under a specific subnet (e.g., named "sub-a"). How do I do that?

I was hoping that this query in Azure Resource Graph Explorer would at least print all non empty private IP addresses:

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' and isnotempty(properties.privateIPAddress)


  • You need to look at the Network Interfaces and expand the properties to pull the Private IP address. Something like this should do the trick. I modified one of our examples to pull private IP instead of public IP.

    | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
    | extend nics=array_length(properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces)
    | mv-expand nic=properties.networkProfile.networkInterfaces
    | where nics == 1 or =~ 'true' or isempty(nic)
    | project vmId = id, vmName = name, vmSize=tostring(properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize), nicId = tostring(
    | join kind=leftouter (
        | where type =~ ''
        | extend ipConfigsCount=array_length(properties.ipConfigurations)
        | extend subnet = tostring(properties.ipConfigurations[0].properties.subnet) 
        | mv-expand ipconfig=properties.ipConfigurations
        | where ipConfigsCount == 1 or =~ 'true'
        | project nicId = id, subnet, privateIp = tostring(
    on nicId
        | order by subnet asc