I want to create a scatter plot with the X-Axis as the longitude coordinates in the healpix file https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~ensslin/research/data/faraday2020.html (Healpix)
and the Y-Axis as the mean values in hdf5 file https://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~ensslin/research/data/faraday2020.html (Faraday sky 2020)
Code until now:
from astropy.io import fits #libraries
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Galactic
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
import numpy as np
filename='pixel_coords_map_ring_galactic_res9.fits' #healpix
nside = hdulist[1].header['NSIDE']
order = hdulist[1].header['ORDERING']
hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order=order, frame=Galactic())
ggl = hdulist[1].data['LONGITUDE'] #storing coordinate values in ggl and ggb
ggb = hdulist[1].data['LATITUDE']
gl = ggl * u.degree #convering to galactic coordinates
gb = ggb * u.degree
c = Galactic(l=gl,b=gb)
l_rad = c.l.wrap_at(180 * u.deg).radian #X Axis
b_rad = c.b.radian
with h5py.File('faraday2020.hdf5','r') as hdf: #importing raw data from hdf5 file
faraday_sky_mean = hdf['faraday_sky_mean'][:] #Y Axis
faraday_sky_std = hdf['faraday_sky_std'][:]
I have absolutely no idea how to plot a 2D square Scatter plot, given Longitude and mean are in different formats. Also, I needlongitude to be in galactic coordinates. Please help.
I think you're close. IMHO, this scatter plot is easier than plotting with both skyplot coordinates (projection="aitoff"
). The process is similar to the answers I posted on your earlier question: Plot mean and standard dev values on skyplot using astropy from hdf5 file. You just need some minor teaks to the function parameters.
I modified your code to create a 2D scatter plot. Here's a quick summary of the differences:
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
(instead of HEALPix
to faraday_sky_mean
on scatter plot.c=faraday_sky_mean
from plt.scatter()
so data points are not color coded.See code below.
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
#from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
import numpy as np
fits_file = 'pixel_coords_map_ring_galactic_res9.fits' #healpix
faraday_file = 'faraday2020.hdf5'
with fits.open(fits_file) as hdulist:
nside = hdulist[1].header['NSIDE']
order = hdulist[1].header['ORDERING']
#hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order=order, frame=Galactic())
ggl = hdulist[1].data['LONGITUDE'] #storing coordinate values in ggl and ggb
ggb = hdulist[1].data['LATITUDE']
gl = ggl * u.degree #convering to galactic coordinates
gb = ggb * u.degree
#c = Galactic(l=gl,b=gb)
c = SkyCoord(l=gl,b=gb, frame='galactic', unit = (u.deg, u.deg))
l_rad = c.l.wrap_at(180 * u.deg).radian #X Axis
b_rad = c.b.radian
with h5py.File(faraday_file,'r') as hdf: #importing raw data from hdf5 file
faraday_sky_mean = hdf['faraday_sky_mean'][:] #Y Axis
faraday_sky_std = hdf['faraday_sky_std'][:]
plt.title("Mean", y=1.08, fontsize=20)
P2 = plt.scatter(l_rad, faraday_sky_mean, s=20, cmap='hsv')
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.0)
plt.xlabel('l (deg)', fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel('Mean', fontsize=20)
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.0)