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Python Plot 3D Histogram Hexagon

I'm testing a TOF camera from Broadcom. It has hexagonal pixels. Representation of Broadcom pixels

I wish to represent the histogram in 3D as in the utility of the constructor.

Histogram Hexa into Broadcom GUI

I tested the vedo library. But I can’t give the values in Z and reorder the cells and trace to the ground

Test of Vedo

   from vedo import *
   from vedo.pyplot import histogram
   import numpy as np

   N = 2000
   x = np.random.randn(N) * 1.0
   y = np.random.randn(N) * 1.5
   # hexagonal binned histogram:
   histo = histogram(x, y,
              xtitle="\sigma_x =1.0",
              ytitle="\sigma_y =1.5",
   # add a formula:
   f = r'f(x, y)=A \exp \left(-\left(\frac{\left(x-x_{o}\right)^{2}}'
   f+= r'{2 \sigma_{x}^{2}}+\frac{\left(y-y_{o}\right)^{2}}'
   f+= r'{2 \sigma_{y}^{2}}\right)\right)'
   formula = Latex(f, c='k', s=1.5).rotateX(90).rotateZ(90).pos(1.5,-2,1)

   show(histo, formula, axes=1, viewup='z')


  • You can easily create it with e.g.

    from vedo import *
    import numpy as np
    settings.defaultFont = "Theemim"
    vals = np.abs(np.random.randn(8*4)) # heights
    cols = colorMap(vals, "RdYlBu")
    items = []
    k = 0
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(4):
            val = vals[k]
            col = cols[k]
            x, y, z = [i+j%2/2, j-j%2/6, val+0.01]
            hexa = Circle([x,y], r=0.55, res=6)
            hbar = hexa.extrude(val) # create the hex bar
            txt = Text3D(precision(val,3), [x,y,z], s=.12, justify='center', c='k')
            items += [hbar, txt]
            k += 1
    show(items, axes=dict(xtitle="x-cell"))

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