Search code examples

Hybris how to index Variant in SOLR

I've started with Electronics accelerator which only indexes base products in SOLR. I have multiple Variant products (which extends from GenericVariantProduct) and I need to display them in the Grid/PLP. How can I change the SOLR indexer query in order to Index Variants too?


  • This is the query used for electronicsProductType :

    SELECT {PK} FROM {Product} WHERE ({varianttype} IS NULL OR {varianttype} NOT IN ( {{ SELECT {PK} FROM {varianttype} WHERE {code} = 'ElectronicsColorVariantProduct'}}) ) 
                                AND {code} NOT IN( {{ SELECT {code} FROM {GenericVariantProduct} }})

    In order to index all the product available on the database you can use the following query :

    SELECT {PK} FROM {Product}

    You can use the following Impex to achieve your purpose :

    UPDATE SolrIndexerQuery; solrIndexedType(identifier)[unique = true]; identifier[unique = true]        ;query
                           ; $solrIndexedType                          ; $searchIndexNamePrefix-fullQuery ; "SELECT {PK} FROM {Product}"

    Adapt it to correspond more to your needs