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How to define an abstract (opaque) interface for a polymorphic object type?


module type T = {
  type t('a); // Does not work
  type b; // Works

module A: T = {
  type t('a) = {.. b: bool} as 'a;
  type b = bool;
module B: T = {
  type t('a) = {.. c: int} as 'a;
  type b = int;


module type T  = sig
  type 'a t /* Doesn't work */
  type b /* Works */
module A : T = struct type 'a t = < b :bool  ;.. > as 'a
                      type b = bool end 
module B : T = struct type 'a t = < c :int  ;.. > as 'a
                      type b = int end  

How can I define the module type A t('a) so that it is abstract but compatible with the open polymorphic object types in the implementations?


  • Types <b : bool; .. > and <c : int; ..> are not compatible much like int and bool are not compatible. In other words, if we will put row polymorphism aside, and focus on simple type constructors, then you're trying to define an interface that matches type int and bool and nothing else, aka bounded polymorphism.

    It is also important to understand that subtyping is not inheritance. In your case, you have two classes of objects, the b-class objects that have method b

    class virtual b = object
      method virtual b : bool

    and the c- class of objects that have method c,

    class virtual c = object
      method virtual c : int

    and we can define a class of objects bc that have both methods, naturally via inheritance,

    class virtual bc = object
      inherit b
      inherit c

    Now, let's cooks some objects to play with,

    let b : b = object method b = true end
    let c : c = object method c = 42 end
    let bc : bc = object
      method b = false
      method c = 56

    We can see that despite that bc class type is defined as inherited from b and c we can't coerce b to c,

    # (b : b :> bc);;
    Line 1, characters 0-13:
    1 | (b : b :> bc);;
    Error: Type b = < b : bool > is not a subtype of bc = < b : bool; c : int > 
           The first object type has no method c

    and this makes perfect sense since we're trying to downcast an object of the base class to an object of the derived class, which is an illegal operation. Therefore, when you have a hierarchy of class types ordered by inheritance, the base classes are super types and the derived classes are subtypes. E.g., if v inherits from u then v is a subtype of u,

    v inherits-from u
       u :> v

    Once you get a clear understanding of this, you can design a proper interface.