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where to keep the css js images files in vue project

I am trying to convert an HTML template into vue project. I am very much confused about where to keep my css js files. Whether it should be in the public directory or it should be in the src directory?


  • Inside src/assests paste your css, fonts and image folders like here

    then make sure to include them in main.js/ts eg.

        import 'bootstrap'
        import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css' //boostarp
        import './assets/css/materialdesignicons.min.css'
        import './assets/css/tiny-slider.css'
        import './assets/css/style.css'
        import './assets/css/colors/default.css'

    if it uses boostrap install npm install bootstrap as you will have to inlude them as I have shown above. as per Bootstrap Doc.

    NB: Vue3 does not support boostarp 4, and vue-boostrap use boostrap 5 instaed