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How do you exclude NA values from Leaflet legend?

Here's my data:

Updated data output from dput: redacted

I'm trying to replicate the following plot:

enter image description here

Here's the code I've used to replicate so far, the only thing I can't figure out is how to remove the NA from the legend.

pal <- colorFactor(palette =  c("#F5DCA4","#E8A46A","#D16769","#B74146"), 
                domain = zipcodes@data$risk.factor)

leaflet(zipcodes) %>% 
  addProviderTiles("CartoDB.Positron") %>%
    fillColor = ~pal(risk.factor),
    weight = 1, #weight of lines between zip codes
    color = "gray", #color of line between zip codes
    fillOpacity = .9, #fill opacity of zip codes
    popup = state_popup) %>%
            pal = pal, #pal = palette declared earlier
            values = ~risk.factor, 
            title= "Risk: Lowest to Highest",
            opacity = 1) 

enter image description here

Correct code, it's the na.color that we needed :

colorFactor(palette =  c("#F5DCA4","#E8A46A","#D16769","#B74146"), 
                domain = zipcodes@data$risk.factor,
                na.color = NA)


  • Just do na.color = NA

    colorFactor(palette =  c("#F5DCA4","#E8A46A","#D16769","#B74146"), 
                domain = zipcodes@data$risk.factor,
                na.color = NA)