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Not all serialised data is being outputted

I am trying to use a function in Wordpress to output serialised data into a spreadsheet using WP All Export. It is successfully unserialising it, however it is missing data under the required section I need.

The function is as follows:

 function data_deserialize($value){
 $output = '';
 $data = maybe_unserialize($value);
 $data = $data[0];
 foreach ($data as $key => $value){
 $output .= $key.': '.$value.'
 return $output;

The following serialised data is being outputted as $value.

a:1:{i:0;a:9:{s:16:"tmcp_post_fields";a:2:{s:12:"tmcp_radio_0";s:11:"Test Card_9";s:15:"tmcp_textarea_1";s:19:"This is the message";}s:10:"product_id";i:934;s:19:"per_product_pricing";b:1;s:17:"cpf_product_price";s:2:"15";s:12:"variation_id";s:4:"1030";s:11:"form_prefix";s:0:"";s:20:"tc_added_in_currency";s:3:"GBP";s:19:"tc_default_currency";s:3:"GBP";s:14:"tmcartepo_data";a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:"key";s:11:"Test Card_9";s:9:"attribute";s:12:"tmcp_radio_0";}i:1;a:2:{s:3:"key";s:19:"This is the message";s:9:"attribute";s:15:"tmcp_textarea_1";}}}}

However the output of the function results in this within the spreadsheet

 tmcp_post_fields: Array
 product_id: 934
 per_product_pricing: 1
 cpf_product_price: 15
 variation_id: 1030
 tc_added_in_currency: GBP
 tc_default_currency: GBP
 tmcartepo_data: Array

As you can see, it is missing the data under tmcp_post_fields which is actually the data I need exported to the spreadsheet.

What am I missing to achieve this?

Many thanks


  • Since the value of tmcp_post_fields is an array itself, you can't successfully just append it to a string. That's why you're getting Array as the value.

    What you'll need to do is add something extra to your function to handle $value in the loop if it's an array and turn it into a string that you can append. I've quickly spun up something you might be able to use, by moving your loop into a separate function and making it recursive (and a small tweak for a bit of extra formatting in the resulting string). You might want to tweak the function to get the output in a way that's useful for yourself though.

    Revised code:

    function data_deserialize($value) {
        $data = maybe_unserialize($value);
        $data = $data[0];
        return array_to_string($data);
    function array_to_string($data, $indent = '') {
        $output = '';
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                $value = array_to_string($value, "{$indent}\t");
                $value = "[\n{$value}{$indent}]";
            $output .= "{$indent}{$key}: {$value}\n";
        return $output;

    Expected output from the serialized data you provided:

    tmcp_post_fields: [
        tmcp_radio_0: Test Card_9
        tmcp_textarea_1: This is the message
    product_id: 934
    per_product_pricing: 1
    cpf_product_price: 15
    variation_id: 1030
    tc_added_in_currency: GBP
    tc_default_currency: GBP
    tmcartepo_data: [
        0: [
            key: Test Card_9
            attribute: tmcp_radio_0
        1: [
            key: This is the message
            attribute: tmcp_textarea_1