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How to call correct class from URL Domain

I have been currently working on creating a web crawler where I want to call the correct class that scrapes the web elements from a given URL.

Currently I have created:

import sys
import tldextract
import requests

class Scraper:
    scrapers = {}

    def __init_subclass__(scraper_class):
        Scraper.scrapers[scraper_class.url] = scraper_class

    def for_url(cls, url):
        k = tldextract.extract(url)
        # return Scraper.scrapers[k.domain]()
        # or
        return cls.scrapers[k.domain]()

class BBCScraper(Scraper):
    url = ''

    def scrape(s):
        # FIXME Scrape the correct values for BBC
        return "Scraped BBC News"

url = ''
scraper = Scraper.for_url(url)

What I am trying to do right now is that if the BBC is the domain name, then it should go into the class BBCScraper(Scraper): and since we call the scraper.scrape(requests.get(url)) it should then scrape the web elements inside the BBCScraper -> scrape -> Return web elements

However I do have problems where i'm trying to run this script it outprints:

Outprint >>> return cls.scrapers[k.domain]() KeyError: 'bbc'

I wonder how I can call the correct class depending on the domain that has been given to the for_url classmethod


  • Problem is that k.domain returns bbc and you wrote url = '' so one these solutions

    • use url = '' along with k.registered_domain
    • use url = 'bbc' along with k.domain

    And add a parameter in the scrape method to get the response

    from abc import abstractmethod
    import requests
    import tldextract
    class Scraper:
        scrapers = {}
        def __init_subclass__(scraper_class):
            Scraper.scrapers[scraper_class.url] = scraper_class
        def for_url(cls, url):
            k = tldextract.extract(url)
            return cls.scrapers[k.registered_domain]()
        def scrape(self, content: requests.Response):
    class BBCScraper(Scraper):
        url = ''
        def scrape(self, content: requests.Response):
            return "Scraped BBC News"
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        url = ''
        scraper = Scraper.for_url(url)
        r = scraper.scrape(requests.get(url))
        print(r)  # Scraped BBC News


    I'd suggest to store the url in a attribute to put the requests.get in the scrape, so there is less code in the main

    class Scraper:
        scrapers = {}
        def __init_subclass__(scraper_class):
            Scraper.scrapers[scraper_class.domain] = scraper_class
        def for_url(cls, url):
            k = tldextract.extract(url)
            return cls.scrapers[k.registered_domain](url)
        def scrape(self):
    class BBCScraper(Scraper):
        domain = ''
        def __init__(self, url):
            self.url = url
        def scrape(self):
            rep = requests.Response = requests.get(self.url)
            content = rep.text  # ALL HTML CONTENT
            return "Scraped BBC News" + content[:20]
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        url = ''
        scraper = Scraper.for_url(url)
        r = scraper.scrape()
        print(r)  # Scraped BBC News<!DOCTYPE html><html