sentence = str ( input ( "Enter a sentence:" ) )
sentence = sentence.split ( )
new = ""
for word in sentence:
wordi = ord ( word[ 0 ] )
cap = word[ 0 ]
a = chr ( (ord ( cap ) - 32) )
word1 = word.replace ( word[ 0 ] ,a )
if wordi <= 122 and wordi >= 97:
new = new + word1 + " "
new = new + word + " "
print ( new )
I have been writing about a code that would capitalize all the first letter in the sentence without using the capitalize or upper function. The code that I wrote did appear to be alright when the letter in the word is not the same as the letter that I want to capitalize.
The input:
Hello world
The output:
Hello World
However, if the letter in the word is also the same as the letter that I want to capitalize, the letter within the word will also become capitalized.
The input:
helloh worldw
The output:
HelloH WorldW
I tried to switch the "a" variable inside the replacement and add a to new as well in the variable new in the if-else statement.
sentence = str ( input ( "Enter a sentence:" ) )
sentence = sentence.split ( )
new = ""
for word in sentence:
wordi = ord ( word[ 0 ] )
cap = word[ 0 ]
a = chr ( (ord ( cap ) - 32) )
word1 = word.replace ( word[ 0 ] ,"" )
if wordi <= 122 and wordi >= 97:
new = new + a + word1 + " "
new = new + word + " "
print ( new )
But, the code turned out to be that the letter that is being repeated in the word will be deleted when printed.
The input:
The output:
How will I be able to make the code work?
def capitalize(lower_case_word):
return ' '.join(x[:1].upper() + x[1:] for x in lower_case_word.split())
print(capitalize('hello I am nobody'))
To capitalize all the first characters, this is the one with the best efficiency (by lines).
def capitalize(lower_case_word):
lower_case_word = lower_case_word.split()
new_phrase = ""
for character in lower_case_word:
new_phrase += character[0].upper() + character[1:] + ' '
return new_phrase
print(capitalize('hello I am nobody'))
This one also works, but it takes several more lines to finish coding. Personally, I recommend the second method if you are a beginner, it is a lot easier to understand since I am also one.